Interpolation (cupyx.scipy.interpolate
Univariate interpolation#
The interpolating polynomial for a set of points. |
Interpolating polynomial for a set of points. |
Convenience function for polynomial interpolation. |
Convenience function for polynomial interpolation |
Convenience function for pchip interpolation. |
Piecewise-cubic interpolator matching values and first derivatives. |
PCHIP 1-D monotonic cubic interpolation. |
Akima interpolator |
Piecewise polynomial in terms of coefficients and breakpoints The polynomial between |
Piecewise polynomial in terms of coefficients and breakpoints. |
Cubic spline data interpolator. |
Interpolate a 1-D function. |
1-D Splines#
Univariate spline in the B-spline basis. |
Compute the (coefficients of) interpolating B-spline. |
Construct a BSpline via an LSQ (Least SQuared) fit. |
Compute the spline representation of the derivative of a given spline |
Compute the spline for the antiderivative (integral) of a given spline. |
Smoothing Splines#
1-D smoothing spline fit to a given set of data points. |
1-D interpolating spline for a given set of data points. |
1-D spline with explicit internal knots. |
Multivariate interpolation#
Unstructured data:
Piecewise linear interpolant in N > 1 dimensions. |
NearestNDInterpolator(x, y). |
CloughTocher2DInterpolator(points, values, tol=1e-6). |
Radial basis function (RBF) interpolation in N dimensions. |
For data on a grid:
Multidimensional interpolation on regular or rectilinear grids. |
Interpolator on a regular or rectilinear grid in arbitrary dimensions. |
Tensor product polynomials:
Piecewise tensor product polynomial |
Tensor product spline object. |