
cupyx.scipy.ndimage.generic_filter(input, function, size=None, footprint=None, output=None, mode='reflect', cval=0.0, origin=0, *, axes=None)[source]#

Compute a multi-dimensional filter using the provided raw kernel or reduction kernel.

Unlike the scipy.ndimage function, this does not support the extra_arguments or extra_keywordsdict arguments and has significant restrictions on the function provided.

  • input (cupy.ndarray) – The input array.

  • function (cupy.ReductionKernel or cupy.RawKernel) – The kernel or function to apply to each region.

  • size (int or sequence of int) – One of size or footprint must be provided. If footprint is given, size is ignored. Otherwise footprint = cupy.ones(size) with size automatically made to match the number of dimensions in input.

  • footprint (cupy.ndarray) – a boolean array which specifies which of the elements within this shape will get passed to the filter function.

  • output (cupy.ndarray, dtype or None) – The array in which to place the output. Default is is same dtype as the input.

  • mode (str) – The array borders are handled according to the given mode ('reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'). Default is 'reflect'.

  • cval (scalar) – Value to fill past edges of input if mode is 'constant'. Default is 0.0.

  • origin (scalar or tuple of scalar) – The origin parameter controls the placement of the filter, relative to the center of the current element of the input. Default of 0 is equivalent to (0,)*input.ndim.

  • axes (tuple of int or None) – If None, input is filtered along all axes. Otherwise, input is filtered along the specified axes. When axes is specified, any tuples used for size and/or origin must match the length of axes. The ith entry in any of these tuples corresponds to the ith entry in axes. Default is None.


The result of the filtering.

Return type:



If the function is a cupy.RawKernel then it must be for a function that has the following signature. Unlike most functions, this should not utilize blockDim/blockIdx/threadIdx:

__global__ void func(double *buffer, int filter_size,
                     double *return_value)

If the function is a cupy.ReductionKernel then it must be for a kernel that takes 1 array input and produces 1 ‘scalar’ output.