The N-dimensional array (ndarray)#

cupy.ndarray is the CuPy counterpart of NumPy numpy.ndarray. It provides an intuitive interface for a fixed-size multidimensional array which resides in a CUDA device.

For the basic concept of ndarrays, please refer to the NumPy documentation.

cupy.ndarray(self, shape[, dtype, memptr, ...])

Multi-dimensional array on a CUDA device.

Conversion to/from NumPy arrays#

cupy.ndarray and numpy.ndarray are not implicitly convertible to each other. That means, NumPy functions cannot take cupy.ndarrays as inputs, and vice versa.

Note that converting between cupy.ndarray and numpy.ndarray incurs data transfer between the host (CPU) device and the GPU device, which is costly in terms of performance.

cupy.array(obj[, dtype, copy, order, subok, ...])

Creates an array on the current device.

cupy.asarray(a[, dtype, order, copy, blocking])

Converts an object to array.

cupy.asnumpy(a[, stream, order, out, blocking])

Returns an array on the host memory from an arbitrary source array.

Code compatibility features#

cupy.ndarray is designed to be interchangeable with numpy.ndarray in terms of code compatibility as much as possible. But occasionally, you will need to know whether the arrays you’re handling are cupy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray. One example is when invoking module-level functions such as cupy.sum() or numpy.sum(). In such situations, cupy.get_array_module() can be used.


Returns the array module for arguments.


Returns the array module for arguments.