Statistical Functions

Order statistics

cupy.amin Returns the minimum of an array or the minimum along an axis.
cupy.amax Returns the maximum of an array or the maximum along an axis.
cupy.nanmin Returns the minimum of an array along an axis ignoring NaN.
cupy.nanmax Returns the maximum of an array along an axis ignoring NaN.
cupy.percentile Computes the q-th percentile of the data along the specified axis.

Means and variances

cupy.average Returns the weighted average along an axis.
cupy.mean Returns the arithmetic mean along an axis.
cupy.var Returns the variance along an axis.
cupy.std Returns the standard deviation along an axis.
cupy.nanmean Returns the arithmetic mean along an axis ignoring NaN values.
cupy.nanvar Returns the variance along an axis ignoring NaN values.
cupy.nanstd Returns the standard deviation along an axis ignoring NaN values.


cupy.histogram Computes the histogram of a set of data.
cupy.bincount Count number of occurrences of each value in array of non-negative ints.


cupy.corrcoef Returns the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients of an array.
cupy.cov Returns the covariance matrix of an array.