
cupyx.scipy.fft.ihfft(x, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None, overwrite_x=False)

Compute the FFT of a signal that has Hermitian symmetry.

  • a (cupy.ndarray) – Array to be transform.
  • n (None or int) – Number of points along transformation axis in the input to use. If n is not given, the length of the input along the axis specified by axis is used.
  • axis (int) – Axis over which to compute the FFT.
  • norm (None or "ortho") – Keyword to specify the normalization mode.
  • overwrite_x (bool) – If True, the contents of x can be destroyed.

The transformed array which shape is specified by n and type will convert to complex if the input is other. The length of the transformed axis is n//2+1.

Return type:
