Environment variables

Here are the environment variables CuPy uses.

CUDA_PATH Path to the directory containing CUDA. The parent of the directory containing nvcc is used as default. When nvcc is not found, /usr/local/cuda is used. See Working with Custom CUDA Installation for details.
CUPY_CACHE_DIR Path to the directory to store kernel cache. ${HOME}/.cupy/kernel_cache is used by default. See Overview for details.
CUPY_CACHE_SAVE_CUDA_SOURCE If set to 1, CUDA source file will be saved along with compiled binary in the cache directory for debug purpose. It is disabled by default. Note: source file will not be saved if the compiled binary is already stored in the cache.
CUPY_DUMP_CUDA_SOURCE_ON_ERROR If set to 1, when CUDA kernel compilation fails, CuPy dumps CUDA kernel code to standard error. It is disabled by default.
CUPY_CUDA_COMPILE_WITH_DEBUG If set to 1, CUDA kernel will be compiled with debug information (--device-debug and --generate-line-info). It is disabled by default.
CUPY_GPU_MEMORY_LIMIT The amount of memory that can be allocated for each device. The value can be specified in absolute bytes or fraction (e.g., "90%") of the total memory of each GPU. See Memory Management for details. 0 (unlimited) is used by default.
CUPY_SEED Set the seed for random number generators. For historical reasons CHAINER_SEED is used if CUPY_SEED is unspecified.
CUPY_EXPERIMENTAL_SLICE_COPY If set to 1, the following syntax is enabled: cupy_ndarray[:] = numpy_ndarray.

Moreover, as in any CUDA programs, all of the CUDA environment variables listed in the CUDA Toolkit Documentation will also be honored.

For installation

These environment variables are only used during installation.

CUDA_PATH See the description above.
NVCC Define the compiler to use when compiling CUDA files.
CUPY_PYTHON_350_FORCE Enforce CuPy to be installed against Python 3.5.0 (not recommended).
CUPY_NVCC_GENERATE_CODE To build CuPy for a particular CUDA architecture. For example, CUPY_NVCC_GENERATE_CODE=compute_60,sm_60. When this is not set, the default is to support all architectures.