Data type routines

can_cast(from_, to[, casting])

Returns True if cast between data types can occur according to the casting rule.


Returns the type that results from applying the NumPy type promotion rules to the arguments.


Return a scalar type which is common to the input arrays.

promote_types (alias of numpy.promote_types())

min_scalar_type (alias of numpy.min_scalar_type())

obj2sctype (alias of numpy.obj2sctype())

Creating data types

dtype (alias of numpy.dtype)

format_parser (alias of numpy.format_parser)

Data type information

finfo (alias of numpy.finfo)

iinfo (alias of numpy.iinfo)

MachAr (alias of numpy.MachAr)

Data type testing

issctype (alias of numpy.issctype())

issubdtype (alias of numpy.issubdtype())

issubsctype (alias of numpy.issubsctype())

issubclass_ (alias of numpy.issubclass_())

find_common_type (alias of numpy.find_common_type())


typename (alias of numpy.typename())

sctype2char (alias of numpy.sctype2char())

mintypecode (alias of numpy.mintypecode())